Dialog - Berlin 2015

01.08.2015 - 02.08.2015 @ (8 Ansichten)
Berlin 2015, 01.08.2015 17:27
Berlin 2015, 02.08.2015 16:13
Berlin 2015, 02.08.2015 18:08
Berlin 2015, 02.08.2015 19:02

I took a long weekend to visit friends and family in Berlin. Sven and his family live in a suburb to the southeast of Berlin called Köpenick. I spent Saturday morning and afternoon with them and toured the nice downtown area while they were out doing errands. On Sunday, I met up with my cousin Felix and his girlfriend Dörthe and went for some urban exploration.


01.08.2015 @ (6 Ansichten) Teilweise bewölkt 17.7 — 22.6 °C
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 14:22
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 15:56
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 16:07
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 16:10
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 16:22
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 16:23
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 16:35
Köpenick, 01.08.2015 17:32

Taking the camera out for a tour through downtown, posing for a selfie with the Hauptmann von Köpenick. Köpenick is situated alongside the Dahme and Spree rivers, the latter of which also flows through Berlin.

Tempelhofer Feld

02.08.2015 @ (7 Ansichten) Sonnig 27.2 °C
Tempelhofer Feld, 02.08.2015 15:48
Tempelhofer Feld, 02.08.2015 15:53
Tempelhofer Feld, 02.08.2015 16:03
Tempelhofer Feld, 02.08.2015 16:23

For a walk over the Tempelhofer Feld, an abandoned airport turned local recreation area.


02.08.2015 @ (12 Ansichten) Sonnig 27.6 °C
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:15
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:19
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:33
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:34
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:42
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:45
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 18:51
Teufelsberg, 02.08.2015 19:05

Felix and me climbed the Teufelsberg hill and joined a tour of the former NSA listening station on top of it. The abandoned facility is now in the hands of street artists, transforming its morbid charme into a colorful gallery.

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