Nach einem kalten und verregneten Winter muss ich weg - und finde im Reisebüro genau das richtige: ein Angebot von STA Travel und Emirates, auf den Flügen von und nach Australien an verschiedenen Zwischenstopps ein- und nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt wieder einzusteigen.
Dialog - Seite 7
Hop on, Hop off
Planet Express
Planet Express, Frank und meine Weltumrundung mit Handgepäck und Begleitmonster in 14 Tagen, Ende August / Anfang September.
Berlin 2015
I took a long weekend to visit friends and family in Berlin. Sven and his family live in a suburb to the southeast of Berlin called Köpenick. I spent Saturday morning and afternoon with them and toured the nice downtown area while they were out doing errands. On Sunday, I met up with my cousin Felix and his girlfriend Dörthe and went for some urban exploration.
E5 Oberstdorf - Meran
Last year we started talking about challenges we wanted to take some day with our group of friends. We came up with different hikes we'd been on, and finally came out at the E5, an European long distance path crossing from Germany over the alps into Italy. Well, by arriving here you can see we stopped talking and started doing!
Our first vacation this year took us to Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands located off the coast of Morocco. We'd originally planned for this trip back in October last year to get some sun, but then delayed it due to family reasons.